About The Pickleball Index

This part is going to get more personal, but here's an overview for now

About Us

Welcome to The Pickleball Index, where we’re forging a vibrant pickleball community and revolutionizing the way players and businesses connect. Our mission is clear: to empower players to discover their ideal pickleball experiences & products and provide businesses with a direct channel to their ideal customers.

Why We’re Here

We exist to amplify the reach and impact of pickleball, and we’re inviting you to be part of the movement. While our directory is evolving, its depth and breadth depend on your contributions. By adding your organizations, events, products and services, you’re becoming a pioneer in our growing ecosystem. Our commitment is to provide the platform, but The Pickleball Index’s growth relies on our community. Together, we can curate the most comprehensive pickleball resource available.

Who Do We Compete With?

No one really. There are many platforms out there for event management, product promotion, content creation, discussions and more. But that’s the problem, it’s just too hard to navigate them all. We want to be the hub that helps you find exactly the right product or experience for your situation. And businesses, though we love to compete on the court, let’s partner up for this one. We’re not planning on doing content creation, event management, product development, eCommerce, travel or anything like that on our own. Our advantage is our neutrality and we’re not here to go head to head, we’re here to make connections.

Who Are We Backed By or Affiliated With?

No one yet, just people who love pickleball. We’re not partial to any particular pro tour, event organizer, software, paddle company, club franchise, media outlet or anything like that. Again, our neutrality is our super power. We’re going to weigh in where we have experience, but at the end of the day, the community is going to be the differentiator.

How Do We Make Money?

We don’t, yet. We’re working on adding awesome features, but need to make sure the community finds value in this endeavor before we invest much more time and money. We’re committed to never charging picklers just to find what they’re looking for, or for businesses just to list themselves or events. We hope the site helps everyone and that anyone involved in any pickleball related business will be excited about the upgraded features we’ll eventually offer. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you want to sponsor or support The Pickleball Index in some way.

Together, We Can Make Pickleball Even More Accessible & Enjoyable to Everyone

We invite you to join us on this journey of co-creation. Your involvement by adding locations, events, businesses, and by boosting the ones you love so that others can find that same joy is the cornerstone of our vision.

Thank you for choosing The Pickleball Index as your partner in the pickleball world. Let’s embark on this exciting journey, where innovation meets community, and together, we’ll be a part of pickleball’s ascension to new heights.





